BBC New Comedy Award 2021 shortlisted, the internationally renowned, iconic character of Lady Bushra is played by Amir Dean who was born and raised in Bradford to a conservative working class family. Often performing his self- produced, sold out Drag Comedy Cabaret, his online videos have been viewed over 20 million times globally whereas his live performances have been enjoyed as far as Europe and USA. Together with his husband, Amir is also cohost and producer of their joint podcast ‘You Don’t Love Me’.
BBC New Comedy Award 2021 shortlisted, the internationally renowned, iconic character of Lady Bushra is played by Amir Dean who was born and raised in Bradford to a conservative working class family. Often performing his self- produced, sold out Drag Comedy Cabaret, his online videos have been viewed over 20 million times globally whereas his live performances have been enjoyed as far as Europe and USA. Together with his husband, Amir is also cohost and producer of their joint podcast ‘You Don’t Love Me’.